Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Holidaying in Japan with the Boys

Between Christmas in Kansai and New Years in Tokyo we had a few days on the road (read:train) exploring Hiroshima, Miyajima, Fujiyoshida and Kawaguchi-ko

Sunday 26 December
We had a very productive Boxing Day and were out of the house by 6:30am to take local trains all the way to Hiroshima - it was a really nice ride actually and a lot of it by the ocean and we saw two of the bridges connecting Honshu to Shikoku. The weather forecast was for snow but we only had a little bit in the evening and beautiful clear skies during the day (although it was quite cold). In the afternoon we headed straight to the Peace Memorial Park to see the A-Bomb Dome and various memorials before going into the Peace Memorial Hall which was very moving with a mosiac of the aftermath made from 140,000 tiles (one for each person that died that year as a result of the bombing). The Peace Memorial Musuem was quite crowded at on Boxing Day but managed to get around most of the exhibits and it was very informative (although some parts where quite tough to see). That evening we went to have Hiroshima style okonomiyaki and looked at the illuminations down the Promenade of Peace.

Monday 27 December
Went out to Miyajima for the day today and had a great time. There was lots to do on the island, we saw deer wandering through the streets and did some shopping in Machiya, explored Itsukushima Shrine (glad we visited when the tide was in), had fresh oysters from a street stall and then oyster donburi for lunch, took the ropeway up towards Mount Misen and walked to the top where it was lightly snowing and we shaw a temple where Kobo Daihsi medidated for 100 days after he returned from China and a flame that has been burning continuously since it was lit 1200 years ago and was used to light the Peace Flame in the Park. Made our way down the mountain and saw some cute little shrines and temples but unfortunately Daisho-In was already closed by the time we got down to it but the tide was going out so it was perfect timing to get pretty close to the floating torii and snap a few final pictures before we lost the light and headed home for another hiroshima-style okonomiyaki dinner

Tuesday 28 December
Our bullet train to
Tokyo wasnt until 11 so we had a bit of time in the morning to head out and have a look around Hiroshima Castle which was nice. Bullet train was 4.5 hours to Tokyo and we had a bit of time before our connection to our bus to Yamanashi. Luckily the business hotel that we were staying at was more like a ryokan with a japanese style room and rotemburo (outdoor bath) so nice to soak in that after a long day of travelling.

Wednesday 29 December
There was snow on the ground and blue skies above so with a stunning view of Mount Fuji, it was a perfect day to hit Fujikyuu Highland. This was the first real Theme Park I had been to (Rainbows End doesnt really count) when I was here for the first time when I was 11 so it was great to take my brothers back. It was a beautiful day and the first day of the New Years break so a little crowded but we still got to ride the big three - Dodonpa (speed), Fujiyama (height), Eejanaika (inverse). The smaller rides included Panic Clock, the Ferris Wheel, giant swings and Merry Go Round, teacups and a visit to Thomas Land as well as an illumination that evening.

For dinner we met up with the Miyashita's and went to an all you can eat sushi and yakiniku place. Was great for my New Zealand brothers to meet my Japanese brothers (Daisuke is such a little monkey) and great to hang out with my host family again - very special to still be in touch with them after 15 years

Thursday 30 December
Checked out of our ryokan (Japanese style hotel with tatami mat rooms, futon and a Japanese style outdoor bath) and headed to Kawaguchi Lake for the day. Unfortunately it was a little cloudy but we still had a nice day wandering around the Herb Garden, took a cruise on the lake, had houtou (local specialty noodles) and then took the cable car up Kachikachi Mountain where I attempted to translate the rare folklore tale where the tanuki is the villan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kachi-kachi_Yama. It started snowing just as we were leaving so enough for it to be pretty but not interfere with our travel plans at all and we boarded our bus back to Tokyo for New Years

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