Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tripping around Japan with Stuart in March - Kobe, Miyajima and Hiroshima

I took Friday off work and we went on a long weekend trip away. Using the seishunn-18-kippu the local train ride to Hiroshima is quite nice and we stopped at Kobe on the way out there to check out the Hakatsuru Sake Brewery/Museum (was closed last time Stuart was here as it was a Monday) and have Kobe beef for lunch. Of course once we arrived at our hostel at Miyajimaguchi we went out for Hiroshimayaki for dinner


Saturday on Miyajima was perfect and the weather was stunning. We saw Itsukushima’s torii floating at high tide, took a cable car ride up Mt. Misen where we made our own momiji and climbed to the very top and then down again in time for low tide to walk all the way out and (minding the barnacles) gave the torii a big hug. Hiroshimayaki for dinner before heading back to the mainland

The next day, in the way weather often reflects emotion, it was raining as we headed into Hiroshima and spent some time at the Peace Park and Museum. One last Hiroshimayaki at Okonomi-mura and then on the train back to Osaka ready for a busy 6 day week of work.

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